The Love of Dogs
Charlotte with Flora (My story)
I have a long-standing love of dogs. I cannot remember a time in my life with out one.
As a child we had George, the stubborn and fiercely loyal Beagle, Bramble the Cocker Spaniel, the gentlest boy you could imagine who would do anything for a treat. Then there was Patsy, a beautiful Jack Russell who tilted her head as you spoke to her and loved a trip out in the car.
Each dog, with their own characters and quirks, left me bereft when they died and this pattern has carried on into my adulthood. The joy a dog brings, always seems to triumph over the grief you feel when it’s their time to go.
The first dog I actually chose was Alfie the Bedlington Blue Terrier. I had the closest bond with Alfie, maybe because he was part of so many ‘firsts’ with me.
He spent the first night with me in my first house, he was part of our wedding, he was here to welcome our first child. He comforted me when I lost Grandparents and stood by me through every twist and turn that life throws at you.
Life without Alfie felt empty, and we quickly welcomed Freddie, another Bedlington.
As I glance down, while writing this, Flora is curled up on her blanket next to me. A ridiculously affectionate Cockerpoo, she could beat any record for an intense close up stare. She gets so close you can feel her breath on your cheek as you try to type!
I can’t imagine not having a dog. My long standing love of dogs is for eternity.